This was a very active location in fact one of the few locations where our DVR camera's captured some rather interesting stuff. I will leave the DVR evidence for the case file but I will let everyone in on some pretty interesting personal experiences. This location we decided to try something a little different. We did not have a paranormal activity briefing prior to going in and then discussed our experiences after the investigation. I had three distinct experiences and found out about the possible cause\spirit that could have caused them during breakdown. First off I stayed at base for personal reasons which you can read more about on my personal blog by visiting this link (Halloween Haunted Houses Oh My). The first experience came shortly after the two teams went to different parts of the hospital. I heard a female humming a tune either in the same room as me or just outside of the door in the hallway. I made a phone call to a team mate that couldn't make it to let them know how the investigation was going and mentioned the humming, she asked me what the tune was so I hummed a little bit which made the spirit who was humming get a little louder. Buck who was our guide during the investigation let me know that "Ring around the Rosie" is often sung in that area. I however couldn't make out the exact tune. The second experience came after our 15 minute break, I again was alone at base and went into the women's restroom briefly. Shortly after coming back into the room a large shadow resembling a male came into the room and I felt as if the wind was knocked out of me as well as pain around my stomach. There is said to be a spirit known as the Guardian who has gotten a little violent with investigators prior but usually is provoked first which didn't happen during this sequence. The third and final personal experience came pretty close to the time the shadow came into the room. I heard the stall door open in the women's restroom and lock, followed by the toilet flushing and the stall door opening again. I went to see what was going on and couldn't find an explanation as to why any of that would happen and no one was in the restroom at the time. Just before leaving I told Buck about this and he informed me that there is a spirit of a Nurse who manipulates things in that same bathroom. All in all it was a very interesting place to investigate and our team looks forward to seeing if our evidence will back up these experiences and possibly investigating there again.
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